Heirloom Beefsteak Tomatoes
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A selection of six of our favourite heirloom beefsteak tomatoes, bearing beautifully big, flavour packed and nutrient dense fruits. Organically grown.
Varieties may include any six of the following:
Tomato Beefsteak
Tomato Black Krim
Tomato Blue Beauty
Tomato brandywine
Tomato Capri
Tomato Chocolate Stripes
Tomato Costoluto Fiorientino
Tomato Coure Di Bue
Tomato Dixie Golden Giant
Tomato German Red Strawberries
Tomato Grosse Lizzie
Tomato Hawaiian Pineapple
Tomato Oaxacan Jewel
Tomato Moon Glow
Tomato Walley's Spanish
Tomato Ox heart
Tomato Purple Calabash
Tomato Red Pear Sel. Franchii
Tomato Reisetomate (Pull apart)
Supplied in 10cm pots
Please note, Minimum online order: Any 4 plants of your choice - you can mix and match varieties from our entire range of perennials, herbs and vege seedlings.
We can pack up to 12 plants per carton/per shipping fee.
See our Shipping page for full details, costs by region and tips to make the most of shipping.